Yesterday Laura gave to her fans on twitter this her beautiful photo with the actor and colleague Greyston Holt from the set of Bitten...
...Tweeting this: Vandiekins22: "A moment with #Clay #Elena in between scenes. @greystonh Apparently Grey never breaks character..."
Then another article that talks about Laura and Bitten, titled "Bitten, The Series: Everything You Need To Know So Far" via Morgan O'Halloran and Box Office Buz: LINK.
want to remind all
of you to
follow the cast members of Bitten on Twitter:
- Paul Greene (Philip): @paulgreenemedia
- Greg Bryk (Jeremy): @GregBryk
- Greyston Holt (Clayton): @greystonh
- Natalie Brown (Diane): @Brownnmiss
Updated, May 22, 2013: Another photo taken by Rachel G (Space Channel's head of programming) from the table read of Bitten's episode 1x05:
I can't wait to see this new series, where Laura is a female alien superhero werewolf.