Sunday, October 16, 2011

Laura Vandervoort for Peta

PETA launched their brand new "Save Exotic Skins" campaign today in Toronto, Canada. The ad features Laura Vandervoort posing as a reptile in order to generate knowledge and spread the word about animal cruelty on reptiles for clothing and accessories.
Check out the following Banner link for a behind the scenes interview of Laura during her PETA photoshoot, and learn how you can donate to this cause.
SPECIAL THANKS: to the following people who donated their time and talents to Laura's 'Exotic Skins' Campaign: Sophia, Ali, Minna, Craig, Emily, Glenn, Nick, Nelly and Ilana.

Peta Site Article: LINK

Remember: Laura wishes to urge people and remind them yet again of the need to donate and support Petas 'exotic skins campaign'. Educate yourselves and leave exotic skins out of your wardrobe! Visit:

- Photos -

- Videos -

- Other image of the campaign -

- Behind the Scenes -

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