A series of web articles and interviews to Laura Vandervoort realized during the year 2011.
January - Daemon's TV Interview: LINK January - Newsarama.com Interview: LINK
March - AolTv.com Interview LINK March - TheStar.com Interview: LINK March - Mr.Will-W Blog Article: LINK March - Killer Film Interview (from Armageddon Expo 2011): LINK March - TV LINE Interview: LINK
November - Interview by WeLoveSoaps.net: LINK November - "Desperately Seeking Santa" Interview by Examiner.com: LINK November - "Desperately Seeking Santa" Interview by ScifiVision Interview: LINK November - "Desperately Seeking Santa" Interview by Starrymag.com : LINK November - "Desperately Seeking Santa" Interview by ABC Family Site LINK
Today, Laura Vandervoort on her Twitter page has confirmed that will be to the next edition of CHICAGO COMIC CON, 2012, August 9, 10, 11 and 12. For info, Here the Event official Site: LINK Laura will Appear SAT & SUN Only!
On twitter page of the Montreal Comiccon has just been written that Laura Vandervoort will guest the next edition, to be held in September 17-18, 2012. We are all waiting for new news...
Here are the official links webpage of the event: Official Event Twitter Page: LINK Official Event WebPage: LINK