
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Preview of the first children's book of Laura Vandervoort

As we all know, Laura Vandervoort in last period said which is focusing to a new project, namely write and realize children's books, in collaboration with cartoonist/comics creator David Reddick .

Well, seems that this project has finally become reality, here's a exclusive photo posted by the actress on her twitter page, accompanying this post:

" A glimpse at the children's book I've created with the talented @DavidReddick keep an eye out for #SuperDuperDeelia "

I must say it seems a amazing work, we make our congratulations to Laura and Mr Reddick and wish them luck and 1000 of these books ...
Update of October 13: Laura posted this tweet and a photo:

"Enjoying a coffee with @JohnBregarActor who seems to be thoroughly enjoying my children's book...Thanks Bregar!"

In this pic in the hands of the actor and friend of Laura, John Bregar, you can see her book.

More info and updates, soon as available... ;-)


  1. a nice idea! ...'m glad that Laura wants to engage in this new initiative

    after all, even Harry Potter was born as a book for boys

    una bella idea!...sono contento che Laura voglia cimentarsi in questa nuova iniziativa

    in fondo anche Harry Potter รจ nato come libro per i ragazzi

  2. un progetto molto interessante..sono contenta che Laura si sia impegnata in prima persona in questa iniziativa...

    a very interesting project .. I'm glad Laura is committed in the first person in this initiative ...
